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What is Purgace?

Spending is good for the economy and hoarding is not. So most of us spend with good intentions but are our purchases really conscious? Purgace encourages you to have better intentions and switch to conscious purchasing. Buy from us and support the cause you are aligned with. 100% of the amount generated by sales goes into funding the charity/campaign you choose. And yes, Purgace is a registered business in Wyoming, USA and the idea was incubated at Harvard innovations lab. 

What do you mean by “amount generated by sales”? Why not just say profits?

We don’t intend to make profits. Whatever we can generate from the sale of a product, we will donate it to the selected cause. For example, if it costs us 20 dollars to produce a tshirt and deliver it to your address while we sell it for 30 dollars, the entire 10 dollars will be donated to the selected charity. 

But then how do you take care of operational costs?

Operational costs like wesbite development, hosting, domain purchases, damages in transit, cost of providing customer support, returns etc. are all expenses we hope to cover by the sales of merchandise when you opt to fund us – just like any other charity/campaign you may choose Purgace as the cause you support. 

What do you mean when you say we sell only new products?

Contrary to popular belief, what you may get when purchasing from any online store need not necessarily be a “new” product. This is because the returned and often worn/used merchandise is shipped back to the factory and is reshipped again to the next customer as “new”. Our offer is unique in that way. Your order is made for you. Nobody has tried it on before you. It is fresh out of the box.  

What do you do with the returned products?

We take utmost care to craft the products exactly as per the specifications mentioned on the siteBut if at all anything does not match up to what we promised, you are free to return it. We are willing to take the hit and hoping that the buyers opting to provide revenue to Purgace will offset the costs involved in returns. We are yet to decide on a viable plan for the optimal use of returned goods though. Reach out to us if you have a proposal. We are always on the lookout for new ideas and collaborations. 

What do you intend to achieve out of all this?

One can call this madness, or a social experiment. It relies heavily on the largesse of people like you. Those who are willing to switch to purgacing from purchasing – starting with apparels. We hope to have competition in this new domain and companies compete not to inflate their share prices but to show off the amounts generated in charity. Where they don’t vie to to woo the best celebrity to endorse their products and instead spend where the money is actually needed instead of waiting for it to trickle down – which is often too little and too late. We envision a world where this is just simple common sense and purgace replaces purchase in the common usage while purchase gets categorised as archaic. We want people to stop purchasing and start purgacing. We wish for people to purge the chase in purchase. We hope that people will ace the purchase and adop purchasing! We hope for a better tomorrow that is motivated by goodwill. 


The charity I want to donate to is not listed. What do I do?

Assuming you wish to support the charity long term, you can use the join us page to add the charity details and we will verify the details, email the organisation and add them depending on their willingness to collaborate with us. Once enlisted with us, you may also start a campaign and use your network to raise awareness for the good work being done by the organisation and raise funds for them. 

The charity I wish to donate to is not from any of the countries you are delivering to.

We are only starting up and are yet to figure out the best way for international shipping or finding resources in other countries that will help us expand. However, these restrictions are only with respect to the product delivery. The charities we intend to support are not limited by boundaries. However, we do have to comply with international law and may not be able to fund certain sanctioned countries. 

What are the charges to get a/my charity enlisted with Purgace.

We do not charge the charities for collaboration and the services provided including the sale of official merchandise is 100% free. We are willing to be 100% transparent regarding our financial statements. You can reach out to us for any clarifications needed.

The cause which I am aligned with is not listed. What do I do?

We are currently focussing on the basic requirements like food, shelter, education, a cleaner environment for future generations, better health and for those who care beyond just human beings, we have added the animals section as well. If the organisation you wish to support cannot be included under any of these categories, please write to us. 

How often do you pay the charities?

For sheer convenience, we disburse funds collected on a monthly/quarterly basis depending on the terms and conditions agreed upon with the charity. If you wish to have a different timeframe for disbursement for a charity you wish to enrol, reach out to us. 


The charity I want to donate to is not listed. What do I do?

Assuming you wish to support the charity long term, you can use the join us page to add the charity details and we will verify the details, email the organisation and add them depending on their willingness to collaborate with us. Once enlisted with us, you may also start a campaign and use your network to raise awareness for the good work being done by the organisation and raise funds for them. 

The charity I wish to donate to is not from any of the countries you are delivering to.

We are only starting up and are yet to figure out the best way for international shipping or finding resources in other countries that will help us expand. However, these restrictions are only with respect to the product delivery. The charities we intend to support are not limited by boundaries. However, we do have to comply with international law and may not be able to fund certain sanctioned countries. 

What are the charges to get a/my charity enlisted with Purgace.

We do not charge the charities for collaboration and the services provided including the sale of official merchandise is 100% free. We are willing to be 100% transparent regarding our financial statements. You can reach out to us for any clarifications needed.

The cause which I am aligned with is not listed. What do I do?

We are currently focussing on the basic requirements like food, shelter, education, a cleaner environment for future generations, better health and for those who care beyond just human beings, we have added the animals section as well. If the organisation you wish to support cannot be included under any of these categories, please write to us. 

How often do you pay the charities?

For sheer convenience, we disburse funds collected on a monthly/quarterly basis depending on the terms and conditions agreed upon with the charity. If you wish to have a different timeframe for disbursement for a charity you wish to enrol, reach out to us. 


I wish to campaign for a charity that is not listed here. What do I do?

Assuming you are aligned with the charity’s long-term vision and wish to support them, you can use the join us page to add the charity details. We will verify the details provided and you are set to go. As an additional step, we would recommend that the charity be listed on our site as well which will automatically give them more visibility. This can be done by you if you are a working partner/volunteer with the organisation or we will reach out to them seeking their willingness to collaborate.  

What is the commission you earn from my campaign?

100% of funds raised will be directly donated to the charity you were running the campaign for. 

How can I trust the money raised by the campaigner goes to the charity he has mentioned?

We do not fund the campaigner. We fund the charity directly and hence there is no chance of misuse of the funds raised by the campaigner.   


I wish to help. How can I join with you?

We are constantly in need to volunteers who can spare time to bring this vision of a philanthropy based ecommerce site to fruition. However, we do not have a fixed job description ready. So fill up the join us form and think of the skills you possess. You may be able to guide us with tax advice, help with setting up Purgace in your country, add/verify charities from your country, help with social media marketing, design posters or tshirts.. The possibilities are endless and your imagination is the limit. Too lazy to fill up the form? No problem, tell your friends about Purgace! 😊 

Will I get a certificate upon completion of internship?

Purgace is a registered company in Wyoming, USA and yes you will receive a detailed certificate and letter of recommendation basis your performance. We do not offer paid internships at the moment and we are seeking individuals who are aligned with the cause we at Purgace are seeking to build. 

What is the duration of internship and what roles are you seeking?

There are no fixed timelines nor any job vacancy currently. So contact us and let us know how you wish to contribute to our vision to #switchtoPurgace and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours. 

Should I volunteer or intern with you?

That is totally up to you. As a guiding principle, ask yourself whether you are planning to utilise spare time to work on a cause you believe in or if you are willing to work on the cause you believe in to further your skills and enhance career prospects. Choose volunteering if the former suits you and internship if the latter.  


Who are partners?

Partners are companies/corporates/businesses who are aligned with our vision and willing to collaborate with us by offering their services to help run Purgace. If your company has experience in any domain needed to run an online store and are willing to offer your services to us, you get a spot in our partners page along with the amount of money you have helped Purgace save.  

You already have a partner in my business domain. How can I join now that the service I can offer is already being provided?

Each company is unique, and so are their offerings. Fill up the form and reach out to us with how you wish to collaborate. And we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.  

Are partners on a payroll?

Partners are not paid. They are on board just because they are aligned with the vision of Purgace and want to help with whatever expertise they can offer – much like the volunteers/interns, just that this time it is a registered business.  

What sort of expertise are you looking for?

Much like any ecommerce store, we also require hosting, we development/design, content creators/social media managers, SEO, tax/legal advice, bookkeeping services, customer support, warehousing support for returned merchandise, better suppliers for raw materials etc. The possibilities are endless, and your imagination is the limit.